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My name is Andrew Reagan, I recently finished my masters in Architecture this December at Roger Williams University and an looking forward to entering the work force as a full time designer. 

our story; Remembering Alfred

My name is Andrew Reagan, I recently finished my Masters in Architecture this December at Roger Williams University and am looking forward to obtaining a position in an architectural firm as an intern architect / architectural designer. As a graduate architecture student I focused on urban design, housing, and sustainable technologies and methodologies of construction and design. I am now eager to use the knowledge I have gained to  contribute to real world situations and challenges in the Architectural and Construction field. 


Throughout my life I have always been surrounded by relatives that are creative thinkers and hands on makers. Inspired by my grandfather Alfred's love for creation I have especially taken an interest in the topic of adaptive reuse and sustainable preservation through changing architectural technologies that approach these situations in new and creative ways. 

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I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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My Work : recommended to view in acrobat with facing pages on. Thank you for any feedback!

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